About Us
Who are We?
Remik was established in 1982, in Istanbul / Turkey to produce high quality Gum Base need of that era’s leading confectionery company in the market. Until 2010, Remik was operated as a subsidiary company to the confectionery company and raised tremendous amount of know-how in Gum Base innovation and production. Starting from 2010, Remik started selling Gum Base to local market and speeded up exports as an independent Family Business. Today, Remik answers Gum Base needs and expectations of large and leader gum manufacturers both in Turkey and outside of Turkey.
With the help of modern technology machinery and human resources investments, company achieved to supply high and sustainable quality as well as on time and correct service. FSSC 22000 Food Safety System and Halal Certifications applied to production since 2011 and high standarts are still being closely controlled and monitored. Kosher Certification standarts was also applied in 2021.
With the benefit of these improvements, Remik exports more than %50 of it is 14.000 tons per year capacity to more than 20 coutries.
Remik is also a proud member of International Chewing Gum Association (ICGA) since 2013.
Company’s Vision and Mission
We produce world-standard products in a hygienic environment by taking quality standards into consideration in every phase of production starting from the purchase of raw materials to the transfer of the products to buyers in accordance with the demands of our customers and besides, we provide our products to buyers at the right time and with the best prices.
Our vision is to answer the needs and expectations of our customers at the highest level by bringing human health in the foreground in our operations and for our customers. Additionally, our mission is to take one step closer to customer satisfaction, to create an environment of respect, trust and love in interpersonal relations both in and outside the company and to produce best quality products on time. While carrying out these activities, following the technological developments in our sector and reaching new markets are among our basic targets.
These targets include the determination of the top management, sustainability of training in every level and having all our employees provide service with an improved quality consciousness. This service is realized with the support of our suppliers who are a part of this process.
What Is Gum Base?
The History of Gum
Since when gum is produced and who developed it?
It is known that since thousands of years, many civilizations have chewed some native products. The modern gum we know, was developed in 1869 and it was Thomas Adams (USA) who succeeded this. In 1900’s, gum was produced in many different shapes (ball, stick, cut & wrap, etc.) and with different flavors (mint, fruit, peppermint, etc.)
The first bubble gum was developed by W. Diemer in 1928. Today, instead of natural rubber (from trees), synthetic ones are used. It has been detected that natural rubber causes allergy in some people. This adventure, which started with the production of just sugared gum, continues with the sales of both sugared and sugar free / sweetener gum all over the world starting from 1980’s. Gums with sweeteners are sold and consumed in most countries almost as an only type. Thanks to high technology nowadays, gums can be produced in high amounts. It has acquired its proper place in retail sales points as an indispensable product.
Benefits of Gum
As a confectionery product, gum is a food that gives a better taste and flavor as long as it stays in mouth and chewed. Additionally, it has benefits for contentment in mouth, for health of teeth, enrichment of teeth with minerals and teeth whitening. Chewing gum reduces distraction, increases concentration, reduces stress and it is mouth watering. It also has little calorie and can be helpful in decreasing smoking habit.
What is Gum Base?
Although gum base is a material that does not melt and that is removed from mouth after chewing, it is a foodstuff in accordance with Turkish Food Legislation and it has to be in line with purity criteria.
Gum base gives gum the feature of being chewed and it is obtained by mixing various raw materials at heat by using a technique. It usually consists of food quality elastomers, resins, emulsifiers and emulsifiers.
Since gum base is the most important raw material of gum, it should be reformulated for each gum type.
There are different bubble gums; quality of which differ in accordance with the gum production technology and gum recipe that are used. Their chewing properties differ from customer to customer and capability to making bubbles also differ. For this reason, special base formulations are developed for each customer.